The Young Professionals group consists of individuals that are relatively new to forestry. The 45-and-under leadership development group was created in 2007 to infuse young leaders in Forestry Association activities and programs. Today, this group provides social events for interaction with experienced foresters and other young professionals from around the state, service opportunities to educate K-12 students on our industry and professions within forestry, and enhanced networking and professional development within the forestry community through various meetings and workshops. Our goal is to provide a means for communication among all forestry professionals, and is also intended to identify new talent and leadership within the forest industry as we grow into future generations. This new generation of foresters will be given a chance to become recognized as emerging leaders through this program.
Get connected with the South Carolina Forestry Assocation's Young Professionals.
Join our Mailing List
Submit an application for the Young Professional of the Year Award,
for someone who you feel deserves recognition this year!
View Award Details
If you’re looking to pursue a meaningful career, working in the forest industry is an excellent choice. Forestry is one of South Carolina’s largest industries, and it continues to grow! Choose a career that you’ll enjoy that also protects forests for future generations, allows you to spend time outdoors, helps you learn a specialized skill, and keeps you working in a growing field. Learn more about what a career in the forest industry looks like by contacting us.
The FASC Job Board lists job opportunities in forestry and related industries that are of interest to our members. There are opportunities for posting job openings, locating job opportunities and connecting with potential employers.
View the new FASC Job Board!
Clemson University - Madren Conference Center & Inn
240 Madren Center Drive
Clemson, SC
FASC's annual Young Professionals Summit is back for our FOURTH, and we’re going to Clemson! Come participate in two half-day workshops where you will learn, receive CFEs, network, and more!
CFEs have been applied for
Registration deadline is Thursday May 15th.
To stay updated , join our Facebook Group:
Clemson University's James F. Martin Inn
230 Madren Center Dr
Clemson, SC 29631
Looking to invest in the future of SC's forest industry? Become a sponsor! Sponsorships help offset the costs of the event and support development of emerging leaders in the forest industry. Sponsorship includes recognition in the Summit programs and signage throughout the event.
Sponsorship levels**: Silver, Gold, Platinum
**Gold sponsors receive one free additional registration; Platinum sponsors receive two free additional registrations.
FOR MORE INFORMATION Emily C. Oakman, Director of Landowner Outreach, Forestry Education and Programs at the Forestry Association of SC 803-798-4170,